Q & A on those pesky moles
March 21, 2009
If I get rid of the moles in my yard, what about the moles in my neighbors' yard??

Moles are a solitary and a very territorial animal. If your neighbors moved out of their house, you wouldn't automatically move in right? Of course not, because you have your own territory established, but at a later time, you might decide to expand your territory and buy their house and property. Moles operate the same way, they are always expanding their territory.

Can I ever be successful in getting rid of moles forever?

There are two ways I know of to get rid of moles forever, but both are not good methods. One is to pave over your entire yard and make it into a parking lot, and the other is to kill every living organism in your yard that moles eat. The mole won't find your yard attractive, but you won't have much of a yard either. Getting rid of moles is a control effort.

Do moles ever come back after removal?

There may not be any more moles nearby that can expand to your yard. But there is not a product available to keep moles out for good; anyone who tells you differently just wants your money.

Why does everyone tell me to get rid of the grubs and I will get rid of my moles?

This is the biggest myth out there. A vast majority of yards with mole habitation do not have grubs; they were either killed or not present to begin with. Moles are in the yard for earthworms, documented as their main diet. While businesses can sell grub control, they obviously can't sell a control for earthworms that are necessary for natural aeration.

I must have over 100 moles in my yard, right?

No, the typical acre averages between three to five moles. But moles are solitary by nature and extremely territorial, and one mole can average 100 feet of new tunnels in a day, 18 feet an hour in digging surface or deep tunnels. They travel 80 feet a minute in a tunnel already created.

Why do I have mounds of dirt in my yard?

As moles dig new horizontal, deeper tunnels, they need a place to put the dirt they are excavating. They bring this dirt to the surface. The bigger the mounds, the deeper the moles' tunnels are beneath the surface of the ground.

I have never had moles until now, why are they in my yard?

As already stated, moles are solitary and territorial. When the female has babies and raises them until they are old enough to be on their own, she kicks them out. These teen moles now have to explore new areas and set up their own territories. As this process repeats itself, they will soon make it to your yard, especially if you might be in the middle of a new housing development.

Commentary by Joshua Jones, Sarcoxie.
He is the owner of A All Animal Control of Tri-State.

For further information about moles, go here.

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