Retrospective on Coleman's lost speech
January 18, 2006
According to Arlen Diamond, general manager of OPT (Ozarks Public Television) and Director of Broadcast Services at KSMU, the reason the Democratic response was not aired was because Blunt's speech ended early rather than continue until 8 p.m. as planned.

"Broadcast audiences listening to Gov. Matt Blunt's State of the State address on public TV and radio in the Springfield area did not hear the Democrats' planned response because it was not fed from studios in Jefferson City at the end of the governor's 7 p.m. address." Diamond said. "It was a very awkward situation. We didn't want to just ask people to stick around and wait until 8 to hear the response."

To some local Democrats this reason was not good enough and a call to action went out encouraging Southwest Missourians to demand that the Democratic response be aired in prime time.

At least one Democrat emailed the station and pointed out that public broadcasters have an obligation to remain unbiased and offer equal air time on political matters.

"Public money and government money keeps (KSMU) on the air," Betty Kowalewich wrote. "It is the law that you cannot be totally biased in favor of one political party or the other. Until I hear further I will boycott your station and ask others to do the same."

Diamond replied to Kowalewich's email and asked for her help in ensuring this incident is not repeated in years to come.

He first offered a logistical solution, then got to the heart of the matter and pointed out that the Democratic Party didn't actually have a proper response.

"Make the response available earlier in the evening so it can be aired immediately following the governor's address," Diamond wrote. "But also, respond to the governor's address - the recorded message was done without knowledge of what was in the State of the State, so it was not really a response."

It's easy to agree with KSMU. The response was not a response at all. A true response would specifically address claims made and proof offered by the governor. A true response would reference remarks that were made and show the fallacy of the argument. We as a party failed...we never responded.

In fact, there is still no true response from the Missouri Democratic Party.

In her speech Maida Coleman (D-St. Louis) prophesized, "When I look at what has happened to Missouri in just one short year, I am afraid we will look back on this time with regret."

"Missouri needs leadership," she continued.

I agree.

Commentary by Robert M. Brantley
Springfield, MO

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