EPA continues to monitor air quality in Joplin
June 15, 2011
The data from the Environmental Protection Agency - Region 7's air sampling has not indicated any health-related concerns, according to an announcement by David W. Bryan, one of the agency's public information officers. Sampling for asbestos and particulate matter in the air over Joplin began May 28, 2011, in response to the destructive tornado that hit the city six days before.

As one of its missions assigned by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the EPA has developed a plan to conduct air monitoring to protect public health as the recovery efforts in Joplin continue. That plan includes sampling the air at various locations in and around the tornado's inpact zone. As operations continue to demolish standing structures, an emphasis especially will focus on the monitoring for asbestos and fine particles that may be so small that they can get deep into a person's lungs and cause serious health problems.

As additional data is collected and analyzed, the EPA will post those results here. The website also includes fact sheets, health and safety information and other materials related to the EPA's response.

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